Does the semiconductor industry survive after this COVID pandemic?

Does the semiconductor industry survive after this COVID pandemic?

If someone points out this on any forum, then that must be the joke of the century. Semiconductor applications are now part of our life. If we are reading this blog or you are accessing internet or if you are using your mobile phone or watching favorite show on your TV, all of these in the background has semiconductors. The mobile phone, data centers, personal computers, laptops and the latest autonomous vehicles, Artificial Intelligence applications, space applications, military, 5G everything needs infrastructure and semiconductors are a key role. If the world wants to move ahead in technology, semiconductors are the base. So, the effect of pandemic on semiconductors is only on production and not it's survival. We have scientists around who can build something alternative if there is material scarcity for a particular technology and even countries who can invest on need.

The semiconductor industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 4% between 2020 and 2024.

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