Sending data from ESP8266 to a website

Sending data from ESP8266 to a website

We have understood a lot from the online resources and it is pretty easy to build your IoT Designs from the scratch. 

ESP8266 can be configured in different modes:
1. Webserver
2. Client

We shall get to know how to use the ESP8266 as client and connect to a website

Prerequisites for this project:

1. ESP8266 board (We have used (NodeMCU1.0 board) - ESP-12E Module - ESP-WROOM-02)
2. Own a web-site (we have used
3. Arduino IDE installed in your PC
4. Knowing the credentials of your router

Follow the set up and programming procedure as described in our previous post:

The above procedure from our older post helps you to get your ESP8266 ready for programming. 
We are going to use the Wi-Fi libraries. For this "#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>" is to be included in the code.

Use the below code to connect to your router.

Now using the existing HTTP libraries, we can connect to the website by adding the following code to the main loop

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