OV5640 Camera Module vs OV5640 Arducam module

OV5640 Camera Module vs OV5640 Arducam module


OV5640 is an image sensor used in cameras. OV5640 requires a 24 MHz clock input. The output data from OV5640 with a lowest resolution has a minimum frequency of 24 MHz, so, any board which cannot operate >=24 MHz cannot be interfaced directly with OV5640 module. If we still want to use OV5640 with controllers below operating frequency of 24 MHz, there must be an interface between which handles the data and provides data output at a lower rate. This is where ArduCAM board is used. 

For the OV5640, the interface is a parallel interface which is a DVP port from the OV5640 image sensor chip. The above image on the right shows the same interface. For the ArduCam module, SPI is used for interfacing as shown below:

Get the ArduCam board details from the below link.

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