Digital circuits play a significant role in Electronics circuits. Digital circuits can be synchronous as well as asynchronous. Synchronous circuits functionality is dependent on clock used. Clock help to synchronize the different circuits. Especially, in IC clock is spread across various sections on the die and helps to provide the functionality of the chip to user. The clock is required for chips like micro controller, Processor, FPGA. Clock in fact is a major specification which drives the selection of these chips. For example, if we take a processor, higher the clock, faster the operations performed by that processor. If we look at the specifications of the processor, core speed shall be mentioned. The modern day processors go beyond 3 GHz clock speed. One has to understand that this clock is generated by internal multiplier and the input to that multiplier is a lower clock in MHz. The point here is that processor don't need this 3 GHz speed all the time. If it has to run at this speed, it consumes very high power and also, there is lot of power consumption by this chip leading to costly cooling mechanisms. So, speed, power dissipation, cooling all go hand in hand. Base clock is also called the standard clock. While we say that clock speed as mentioned in the specification which is called the base clock is not required all the time, there are scenarios where we might need higher clock than base clock. This is to cater for the graphics capabilities for videos, increased processing capabilities for example Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning needs. For these needs, the processor clock has to be boosted and this clock is called the Boost clock. The boost clock is a temporary need based on requirement and cannot be continuous. Boost clock is also called Over clocking. If we look at the datasheets of the processors, come call it turbo boost. All these implementation needs a better thermal implementation on the board. Reading the temperature regularly, enabling a DC fan if it is part of the system. One of the important specification to consider in clocking is TDP - Thermal Design Power.