Electromagnetic Compatibility - 5 (CISPR22 and EN55022)

Electromagnetic Compatibility - 5 (CISPR22 and EN55022)

When we look at some of the EMI/EMC compliance requirements of some of the finished products or some of the requirements of the products to be designed, there shall arise some confusion on which standard to be actually applied. Especially, with the EN and IEC standards where EN certification valid in Europe and IEC valid worldwide. Similarly, there are standards like CISPR 22 and EN 550022 which are valid in Europe but still are two different standards when we look at the specifications.

CISPR 22 maintained by CISPR for the IT Equipment defined the radiation and conducted emission limits for that equipment. EN 55022 derivative of CISPR maintained by CENELEC. While both look alike interms of specifications, there is a differentiation w.r.t limits and frequencies applied to the emission requirements of the equipment under test. 

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