Day#25 'C' Coding Challenge

Day#25 'C' Coding Challenge

What is the output of the below code?

#include<stdio.h> int var1 = 5; void main() { printf("%f, %d , %o, %u", var1); }


The above tests below scenarios:

1. Format specifier
2. What if there are more than one format specifiers in the printf and only one variable


format specifier helps the compiler to understand the type of variable
In the code,%f, %o, %u are used
%f - float
%o - octal
%u - unsigned int
%d - signed integer

However, there is only 1 variable which is var1 and compiler treats it as %f and prints 5.00000
The others print an undefined variable as no variable is associated to them.

To get correct values printf statement must be
printf("%f, %d , %o, %u", var1, var1, var1, var1);

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