Electronics Hardware Engineer - Interview Questions - 11

Electronics Hardware Engineer - Interview Questions - 11


306. What happens if we use a high value ESR capacitor as the decoupling caps for regulator?
307. How do you select the bypass capacitor?
308. What are all the various factors on which drop out voltage depends in LDO?
309. Which type of capacitor has the longest life time?
310. What is the main source of noise in LDO?
311. Which is noisier, LDO or Switching Regulator? and Why?
312. Can charge pump be used for providing supply to load?
313. What is the difference between Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance and Junction-to-case thermal resistance?
314. what is Quiescent current?
315. Why do we need heat sink for ICs or regulators?
316. How do we calculate the efficiency of the Linear Regulator?
317. What is PMIC?
318. What is the difference between using High Frequency PWM and Low Frequency PWM in switching regulator?
319. What is brick-wall current limiting in LDO?
320. What is fold back current limit?

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