Substrate-Like PCB (SLP)

Substrate-Like PCB (SLP)

We all know that the substrate manufacturer is different and the fab houses which integrate the PCB are different. The modern day PCB demands thin substrates, small via sizes, dense and closer routing. While the demands increase the costs have been increasing. considering this scenario, the concept of substrate-Like PCB has come into picture. This not only merges substrate manufacturer and end PCB fabricator but also helps to design dense PCBs at lower costs hence increasing product margins. 
The High Density Interconnect (HDI) PCBs we are talking about here are going through a transformation phase to achieve the desired targets. The HDI PCBs in future shall be called substrate-Like PCBs by adopting this technology.

What is Substrate-Like PCB (SLP)?

In SLP, thin copper layers are coated onto the laminate. Substrate-Like PCB is not new to the market, this has already been adopted by gadget giants Apple and Samsung. With Substrate-Like PCB we can achieve very minimal track spacing in the boards and this could be as low as 0.02 mm (0.7 mils). SLP is a next step to the proven Semi-Additive Process (SAP). The older techniques had SLP making way into smart gadgets can help the industry move towards miniaturization and cost saving. Precise manufacturing equipment with sharp focus are required for SLP. 

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