Electronics Hardware Engineer - Interview Questions - 5

Electronics Hardware Engineer - Interview Questions - 5


151. What are the different types of batteries you have used?
152. what are the various interface protocols for connecting MAC to PHY?
153. What are the advantages of slow charging in battereis?
154. what is cladding in optical fiber?
155. What is the sifferece between router and switch?
156. What are the maximum number of devices that can be conencted on SMBus?
157. Why SDIO interface is used in embedded systems?
158. List the various signals in the DDR Memory interfacing with Processor.
159. Define resonance.
160. What is the safe low voltage of Li-ion battery?
161. what is the difference between 1x and 10x options in oscilloscope probing?
162. How do you use triggering in oscilloscope probes?
163. What are the different safety standards you are aware of?
164. What does the input impedanc eof ADC depend on?
165. Draw the interface between parallel flash and processor.
166. What is the importance of s-parameters?
167. What are the major considerations while selecting a MOSFET for a switch application?
168. What is the minimum sampling rate required for exact signal reporduction in scopes?
169. What is the significance of inductor in buck rgulator?
170. What ae the different tools you have used for designing an antenna?
171. what is the type of antenna preffered for Wi-Fi and why?
172. What are the precautions you take in layout while including RF and digital on the same board?
173. what is the need for mixer in RF?
174. Define Quiscent current.
175. What are the various RESET mechanisms in processor/controller?
176. What do you mean by parasitic capacitance?
177. what do you mean by voltage offset parameter in opamp?
178. What is the difference between oscillator and crystal?
179. Do you prefer crystal or oscillator in your application?
180. why is clock buffer required?

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