Embedded systems - Online Talent Exam - 2

Embedded systems - Online Talent Exam - 2

We are back with the next round of Embedded Talent Exam.

Thanks for following our blog for all these years. To give something back to you for your patronage, thais online exam is conducted and we shall give out goodies for the Top-3 scorers. Hope to see your active participation.

Engineers from all over the world can participate in this exam. 
The exam is scheduled for 17-June-2018, 7:30PM IST. 
Please, check your local timing. 

Registration process

Go to http://exam.embeddeddesignblog.com/#/NewUserRegistration

Step 1: click on New Registration
Step 2: Click on Embedded Talent Exam
Step 3: Complete the user registration form
Step 4: Log-in to your account using username and password to verify your details

How to write the exam?

Note: The exam shall be enabled only on 17June2018 7:30PM IST.
Please, check your local time to write the exam.
Example: 7:30PM IST is 2:00PM GMT

Go to http://exam.embeddeddesignblog.com
Step 1: Enter username and password and click sign in
Step 2: Click on My Exams
Step 3: Click on Embedded Talent Exam
Step 4: Click on Embedded Talent Exam - 17June2018 - 7:30PM IST
Step 5: Read the following instruction on the page, go to bottom and check “I am ready to begin “ and click “start exam”.

Who can write the exam?

1. Professionals - Embedded Hardware Engineers (Even though targeted for Embedded Hardware engineers, Firmware engineers can also attempt)
2. Trained Embedded Engineers who are yet to join the industry (These engineers can get a feel of how the designs happen in the industry and what to face when they are in the industry)

What to expect out of this online exam?

1. Engineers world-wide are expected to participate.
2. Assess your technical skills.
3. Win goodies.

Duration of Assessment

Duration: 30 Minutes (7.30PM IST to 8.00PM IST)
60 Multiple Choice questions

What can you win?

Top 3 scorers win prizes. Incase, many engineers end up on Top 3 scores, Top 3 shall be picked from them based on questions attempted

Top scorer:
Embedded systems book by famous author + Evaluation board from Texas Instruments or Raspberry Pi or Beagle board or a surprise Electronics Kit

Next Top 2 scorers:
Embedded systems book by by famous author
Notes for Engineers

Note: You see following message until the exam starting date
“409: The given key was not present in the dictionary. Sorry! We can't seem to find the page you were looking for. “

The exam shall be enabled only on 17June2018, 7:30PM IST

Contact Us

Please, feel free to contact embeddeddesignbloggroup@gmail.com for any queries.

Winner of this Talent Exam

Let us congratulate Vishwas Navada B for winning the Talent Exam & goodies. He scored 32 out of 60.

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  1. This is very interesting and informative post about Embedded System. You are describing all information in very easy way. Thank you for sharing this with us. Keep it up...
