Electronics Firmware Engineer - Interview Questions - 3

Electronics Firmware Engineer - Interview Questions - 3

66. What are the different timers used in embedded system?
67. What is the differenc ebetween Mutex and Semaphore?
68. How do you decide the core frequency of processor?
69. What are inline functions?
70. what are recursive functions?
71. How do you decide to use RTOS or a Liux or a simple application code for a given embedded system?
72. A system is continuously getting reset, how do you start debugging the issue?
73. what is brown-out feature in embedded systems?
74. What is the difference between Cortex-M and cortex-A processors?
75. How do you select an FPGA for your application?
76. How do you define machine cycle in a processor?
77. How do you decide that a microcontroller/processor can have Linux operating system?
78. Write a code to reverse a given string.
79. What is the difference between linear linked list and circular linked list?
80. what is the end node of a circular linked list?
81. How do you use a comparator inside a microcontroller?
82. What are the major requriements of a EN61508 certification? 83. What is the difference between SIL0, SIL1, SIL2 requirements?
84. What is virtual constructor?
85. what is the difference between structure and union?
86. Explain the OOPS concepts with examples.
87. How do you interface DDR to a processor?
88. What is the difference between CMOS and TTL logic levels?
89. what does "chmod" do in linux commands?
90. What is the difference between hard real-time and soft real-time OS?
91. What differences do you consider between little-endian and big-endian formats in embedded system?

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