Why use Aluminium for mechanicals?

Why use Aluminium for mechanicals?

Have you come across mechanical designs for your projects, then definitely you know that aluminium is the most preferred material for such. There are various reasons  for using aluminium and have a glance at the list below:
  • Good thermal conductor
  • Good electrical conductor
  • Can be shaped easily as per requirement
  • Weighs less, density (mass per volume) is less
  • Durable, soft
  • Resist corrosion
  • Non-magnetic
  • Aluminium is the most abundant metal of all.
  • Gets less affected by environment factors like air and water
  • Doesn't effect the environment, can be recycled
  • Less chances of ignition
The conductivity of Aluminium is 50% of copper but still used widely because of cost factor compared to copper.

Very familiar Applications:
  • Have you seen light poles in your area, they are made of aluminium
  • Electrical grid lines
  • Your kitchen cooking utensils
  • Heat sinks for electronic components and mother boards
  • Bus/car/Rail/Aircraft bodies are made of aluminium
  • Railway tracks
  • Cool drink tins
Note: Aluminium may not be used directly in any application and it is compounds (aluminium + other metals) that are used.

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