Hardware MCQ - 5

Hardware MCQ - 5

22. Which among the below has higher data rates?

A. Bluetooth


C. Wi-Fi 

D. Zigbee

Ans: C 

Wi-Fi has data rate of up to 10Gbps


23. Which among the below is not a high speed design issue?

A. reverse voltage protection 

B. Overshoot and undershoort

C. Reflection

D. Jitter

Ans: A 

Reverse voltage protection is a circuit protection and not a high speed design issue.


24. For a Zener regulator, the following parameter determines the Zener power dissipation

A. Series resistor in the circuit

B. Load connected to regulator

C. Zener Knee voltage 

D. Input supply Voltage

Ans: C 

Power dissipation in the Zener diode in a zener regulator depends on the Zener votlage and current through the diode


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