EEPROM is one of the commonly used memory in the electronics designs. There are several options available from different vendors but AT series is very widely used. For AT24C16B, which was from ATMEL is now from Microchip as ATMEL is acquired by Microchip.
24C16A pinout:
24C16B pinout:
24C16C pinout:
We can observe from the 3 devices that, AT24C16A has address pins where as AT24C16B and AT24C16C has no address pins. So, in a circuit only single device of AT24C16B and AT24C16C can be used. When AT24C16A is used, multiple EEPROMs of AT24C16A can be used.
One thing that is commonly seen is that all the chips support DIP packages.
16 indicates 16Kb EEPROM and is common terminology for all these EEPROM devices.
If we compare the pricing of these devices:
24C16A - $0.87
24C16B - $0.4
24C16C - $0.33
Note that 8TSSOP pricing of parts is compared here.
There is 24C16D option available as well from Microchip.