Electronics firmware engineer - interview questions - 17

Electronics firmware engineer - interview questions - 17


262. What is the definition of middle level language?
263. Why do we need stack in memory?
264. Explain the boot loader functionality
265. What is BIST?
266. Give some real time scenarios where random number generator is used
267. What is optimization in code compilation?
266. Which one do you prefer? - If statement or switch statement
267. What is emulator?
268. What is the need for header file in embedded programming?
269. What is SFR?
270. What is the difference between union and structure?
271. What is the difference between string and array
272. Explain some real time scenarios where dynamic memory allocation is used?
273. Is dynamic memory allocation preferred in embedded programming?
274. What are the various file operations that can be performed?
275. What is the difference between Python programming and C programming?

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