MIC29302 is suggested by datasheets of GSM/GPRS modules for providing it's power. This is a high current low dropout regulator. The voltage generated in the above circuit is 4.1V.
A control circuit is used to control the ENABLE of the regulator. This can be used to enable the regulator only when required. This is only required for battery powered circuits and when GSM/GPRS models transmit data at specific intervals rather than continuously. The input is CMOS compatible.
The output capacitors to be used as per the load requirement. The input capacitor of 0.1uF is recommended for high AC impedance supplies.
Enabling the regulator requires minimum of 20 uA and with 1K ohm resistor on 5V rail, sufficient current is sourced.
The voltage dropout of MIC29302 w.r.t output current is as below: