Creating line graphs in Python

Creating line graphs in Python

Line Graphs are used to represent simple information in X-axis and Y-axis. Like, for an example, an international cricket batsmen scores over span of last five years can be drawn in a graph which indicates his form.


To draw graphs and any visualizations matplotlib is used. Install matplotlib using pip


Below is a simple example to create a linear graph showing runs scored by an international cricketer in last 5 years

import matplotlib.pyplot as plotdata

#create lists of data to be displayed
years = ["2017","2018","2019","2020","2021"]
runs = [1200,960,1450,1240,340]

#create line graph with desired axis

#set the title of the graph
plotdata.title('Player A International score')

The output shall be:


The above code is described in the below video:

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