Using tkinter and SchemDraw in Python

Using tkinter and SchemDraw in Python

As per the above window, upon click on resistor a window with Resistor has popped up. tkinter and SchemDraw are used for this and the program is as below:


import tkinter as tk
from functools import partial
import SchemDraw
import SchemDraw.elements as elm
#from builtins import None

Font_tuple = ("Comic Sans MS", 10, "bold")

def button_click_Res():
    d = SchemDraw.Drawing()
    d.add(elm.RES, d='right', label='1$\Omega$')

root = tk.Tk()

root.title('Electronics Application for students')

logo1 = tk.PhotoImage(file="way2know.gif")
display = tk.Label(root, image=logo1).place(x = 455, y = 190)

button_click = partial(button_click_Res)

Demo and explanation for the above code in below video:

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