Day#69 'C' Coding Challenge

Day#69 'C' Coding Challenge

What are the various storage classes in C and their differences?

Storage classes in C are:

  • auto
  • extern
  • static
  • register
  • auto is the default storage class for variables. If no storage class is mentioned for a variable, then it is auto
  • if the variable is not initialized, garbage shall be assigned
  • can be accessed only within the block they are declared
  • the life of the auto variable is till the end of the block in which it is declared
  • used for global variables
  • when extern is used before global variables, the variable can be used outside the file in which it is declared
  • default value assigned is zero
  • life of the extern is till the end of the particular program in which it is declared
  • A local variable has scope till the end of it's block/function. Once the block is exited, the local variable is more valid and it's value is lost. If there is a need for a particular local variable to hold it's value between function calls, then static need to be used
  • default initial value is zero
  • life of the static variable is till the end of the program

  • once declared with this type of keyword, then the variable is stored in registers
  • major advantage is that registers have faster access
  • register variable has the same property as auto variable, this meant
    • default garbage value
    • scope within a block
    • life of variable only till end of block in which it is declared

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