Image Sensors for Cameras

Image Sensors for Cameras

While we use cameras in our daily life, we think very less about the technology used for capturing the images. To put it simple, image sensors are what are used in cameras. Image sensors are based on photo diodes which convert light to electrical energy. Image sensors use two technologies:
  • CMOS Technology
  • Charge Coupled Device (CCD) Technology
  1. Both CMOS and CCD are based on semiconductor MOS devices like the N-MOS. 
  2. CCD has array of capacitors and is followed by an amplifier. CMOS has amplifiers and photo diodes involved.
  3. Due to the CMOS technology with the switching elements, CMOS sensors are smooth and faster with low noise levels. 
  4. CCD and CMOS due to their architecture changes also have different manufacturing process. As the capacitors are involved in CCD, it is analog and involves conversions. 
  5. As the CMOS involves switching elements which are digital, manufacturing wise it has it's own advantages.
  6. The important advantage of CMOS is low power and CMOS technology based devices consume low power
Below is the block diagram showing the light input and further building blocks of the camera till the digital output interface

The major parameter which drive the usage of image sensors are:
  • Ability to capture images even in low light
  • Responsiveness
  • Noise involved
  • Resolution
  • Speed
  • Power Consumption
  • Price factor
Take a look at some of the cameras and their usage of lens by Lucid Vision Labs from the below link:

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