Day#40 'C' Coding Challenge

Day#40 'C' Coding Challenge

What is the output of the below code?

#include <stdio.h> #define website_pages(n) printf ("pagecount" #n " = %d", pagecount##n) int main() { int pagecount_1 = 5; website_pages(_1); return 0; }


The above code tests below scenarios:

1. Stringizing Operator
2. Token-Pasting Operator


# is a Stringizing operator and ## is a token-pasting operator in C language
Information regarding the stringizing operator and token-pasting operator is included in the below link:

Website_pages(_1) invokes a Macro, the Macro calls for printf statement
printf has pagecount initially after which #n is used and this stringizing operator converts _1 into string, so, now it is pagecount_1. 
This displays 5 pagecount and n are combined using token-pasting operator ##
So, the output shall be  pagecount_1 = 5

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