What is Taptic Engine?

What is Taptic Engine?


If you are an user of iPhone you must already be aware of this. Taptic engine is a technology introduced by Apple in their phones. Apple call it a "3D Touch" feature. This feature is introduced in MacBook and is now a regular feature in iPhone series. Using this interface, users of touch screen on iPhone can get a feedback for every touch. Haptics is the science well known to us which deals with user interaction with a device like computer. Taptic engine helps users identify the touch they have performed on the screen even without looking at the screen. The feedback provided by Taptic Engine is in the form of vibration and user can get to know that there is a change in the button presses through vibration. One of the common process uses a coil for sensing (force sensor) and small spring based metal frame (lateral vibrator) for generating vibrations. this is replaced by Taptic Engine.

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