Electronics firmware engineer - interview questions - 12

Electronics firmware engineer - interview questions - 12


212. How do you Find the missing number in a given integer Array of 1 to 100?
213. Find the Duplicate number on a given integer Array
214. How do you Find the Largest and smallest number in an unsorted Integer Array
215. Find All pairs of Integer array whose sum is equal to a given number
216. Find Duplicate numbers in an Array if it contains multiple duplicates
217. Remove Duplicates from an Array in a given place
218. Find multiple missing numbers in a given Integer Array with duplicates
219. How to rotate an Array Left and Right by a given number K?
220. Given an Array of Integers sorted in Ascending Order,Find the Starting and Ending position of a given value
221. What would malloc(0) return?
222. How will you write a Function which takes Two Arguments --> a Byte and field in the Byte and returns value of field in that Byte?
223. Declare a manifest constant that returns number of Seconds in a year using Preprocessor? Disregard Leap Years in your answer
224. Write standard "MIN" macro that is a macro that takes Two arguments and returns smaller of the two arguments
225. What is the problem associated with gets( ) function and how to avoid it?
226. How "Free" function knows Size of memory on Heap to be de-allocated?
227. How to Call a function before main( )?
228. Create a function that accepts different types of Data arguments & returns an integer
229. What are various reasons for "Segmentation Fault" in C?
230. Write down equivalent Pointer expression for referring the same element a[i][j][k][l]
231. How will you override an existing Macro in C?
232. How to print a string containing '%' in printf?

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