Electronics Firmware Engineer - Interview Questions - 4

Electronics Firmware Engineer - Interview Questions - 4

92. Difference between while and do...while
93. What is endianess
94. Why is endianness so important?
95. Is there any affect of endianness to embedded programming?
96. Give any example and tell the output of little endian system and big endian system
97. What is network byte order?
98. Describe endianess problem in network communication.
99. What is big endian and little endian
100. How to know whether system uses big endian or little endian format
101. How to convert from big endian to little endian and vice versa
102. Write a small code segment to determine the endianess of a system at run time.
103. Is endianness apply to Registers?
104. Write program to reverse the byte order
105. What is the macro?
106. Advantages and disadvantages of using macro
107. Macro versus inline functions?
108. What is the use of Conditional inclusions
109. Using the variable a, give definitions for the following:
  • An integer
  • A pointer to an integer
  • A pointer to a pointer to an integer
  • An array of 10 integers
  • An array of 10 pointers to integers
  • A pointer to an array of 10 integers
  • A pointer to a function that takes an integer as an argument and returns an integer
  • An array of ten pointers to functions that take an integer argument and return an integer

110. What do the following declarations mean?
  • const int a;
  • int const a;
  • const int *a;
  • int * const a;
  • int const * a const;

111. What are the uses of the keyword static?

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