Electronics Hardware Engineer - Interview Questions - 3

Electronics Hardware Engineer - Interview Questions - 3

81. How do you calculate the derating for resistor?
82. What is FMEA analysis?
83. What is the difference between DDR and LPDDR?
84. How do you select an ESD diode for your application?
85. What are the different EMI/EMC standards you have worked on?
86. Draw the circuit of integrator and differentiator.
87. what is the function of shift register?
88. What happens if there are two I2C slaves with same I2C address on a single board?
89. What are the different addressing modes used in I2C?
90. Draw CMOs inverter circuit.
91. What is the difference between sequential and combinational circuit?
92. Define setup and hold time?
93. what is over clocking?
94. What are the bsic precautions to be taken while using any kind of termiantion?
95. Is external termiantion required for DDR3 data lines? why?
96. What is write levelling in DDR?
97. What is the type of topology in DDR?
98. What is latch up condition?
99. What are the different safety critical standards in embedded systems?
100. What is the full-form of LVDT?
101. Explain Hall effect?
102. What is flemings left hand rule?
103. Define Hysteresis?
104. what is schmitt Trigger?
105. What is the kind of memory to be used for storing configuration data?
106. What is load ump condition?
107. Define CMRR.
108. What is the relation between RMS and Peak Value?
109. What are the different reliability standards in Automotive domain?
110. Ho do you calculate loss budget?

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