Electronics Hardware Engineer - Interview Questions - 1

Electronics Hardware Engineer - Interview Questions - 1

The below questions are just a direction to help you on what to prepare for the interview.

1. What is the differential impedance of a USB interface?
2. The rise time of a high speed signal is 1ns. What is the band-width of the signal?
3. what is the type of didoe used in voltage regulator circuit?
4. what is the difference between linear and switching regulator?
5. How do you achieve over voltage protection in your circuit?
6. what is the difference between zener and TVS diode?
7. what are the critical measures to be taken while routing the high speed signals?
8. What is the difference between microcontroller and microprocessor?
9. What is the difference between DDR2 and DDR3?
10. What is the difference between combinational and sequenctial circuit?
11. why do we use pull-up on the I2C lines?
12. what are the maximum number of devices that can be connected on the I2C lines?
13. what is daisy-chaining in SPI devices?
14. what are the differences between SPI and I2C?
15. How do you determine the address of I2C slave?
16. Explain the timing diagram to access a Flash memory
17. What is clock stretching in I2C?
18. Why do we use power sequencing in  digital circuits?
19. Have you worked on EMI/EMC?
20. what are all the standars you have worked in EMI/EMC?
21. What is the difference between a flip-flop and a latch in digital circuits?
22. How do you interface analog input to a microcontroller?
23. what is the difference between 8-bit and 16-bit microcontroller?
24. What is total harmonic distrotion?
25. Define Accuracy and Resolution.
26. How do you calculate the resolution of a ADC?
27. what is the most preffered type of ADC circuit?
28. What is auto-bauding in UART?
29. There are 5 SPI slaves conencted to a SPI Master, draw the circuit diagram.
30. how do you select a oscillator for a microcontroller?
31. what is the difference between crystal and oscilaltor?
32. Define sensitivity and repeatability
33. You have to generate a timing signal with a delay of 5seconds, how do you realize it?
34. What are the precautions to measure a signal using oscilloscope?
35. what is voltage follower?
36. What is the definition of singal to noise ratio and what are it's units?
37. what are the measures you take while defining the stack up of the PCB?
38. what is ground bounce?
39. what is inter symbol interference?
40. how do you ensure that cross talk is less inc ircuits?
41. what are the diffrent methods to predict the cross talk in a circuit?
42. what is the difference between brushed and brushless motor?
43. How do you select a microcontroller in a application?
44. What are the different types of relays?
45. How do you ensure reverse polarity protection in circuits?
46. What is the relation between rise time and band width?
47. Give different rules to follow while designing high speed boards.
48. What is the most preffred method of isolation in circuits?
49. when do you run DRC in your designs?
50. what are all the different EDA tools you have worked on?

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