Electromagnetic Compatibility - 3

Electromagnetic Compatibility - 3

A small notes on the EMI/EMC in continuation with the previous topics we have talked about in the blog.

What does EMI/EMC standards define?
EMI/EMC standards define the frequency ranges and the limits for the radiations from a given system. Basically, the devices intended to be used in external environments should not cause disturbance to functionality of other products. In testing terminology, the system undergoing testing is called the device under test (DUT). It is also known as equipment under test (EUT) or unit under test (UUT).We see designers and certification agencies using this terminology in different scenarios.

What are some of the standards that define testing against lighting surges and Electro static charge?
IEC61000-4-2, ISO13766 - ESD immunity
IEC61000-4-4 - Lightning/Surge Immunity

How do you determine which lab to use for the EMI/EMC tests?
The lab that is used should have Accreditation from several standard agencies. Qualified test labs by these agencies can help reduce the test and approval periods and the certification they provide at the end of the test is accepted by the industry. For example, in India, National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) certifies the labs as per
the  ISO/ IEC 17011 and ILAC recommendations. In united states, A2LA (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation), NVLAP (National Voluntary Laboratory  Accreditation Program) are the standrad agencies that do the accreditation of the EMI/EMC labs.

Does different domains have different standards or single standards are applicable across various domains?
There isn't a stright forward answer for this. ISO standards are specific to automotive related EMC issues. These standards are applicable to small and heavy vehicles. EN standrads are aplicable across the industrial envrionment. FCC, MIL-STD are the standards used for all kinds of electronics equipments in united

states. Take the example of IEC61000-4-2 which is ESD immunity standard which is applicalbe to various products in the market across different domains.

How are various tests grouped in the EMI/EMC industry?
The tests are grouped as reliability, safety and environmental.

Are all EMI/EMC standards applicable across the world?
Standards like ISO,IEC,CISPR are used across the world.
Standards like EN, ASEAN are more of local standards.

What are the various tests that define the shock and vibration?
The IEC60068 series of tests define the standards for shock and vibration.

What are the different standards applicable to the medical field?
EN 55 011 - Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment, characteristics of the distrubance and measurement, limits of distrubance
CISPR 11 - Applicable in Europe, applicalbe to scientific and medical equipment, specifies the limits of disturbance​

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