Electromagnetic Compatibility - 1

Electromagnetic Compatibility - 1

EMI/EMC is a very big subject in electronics. It itself has a prominent place and without EMI/EMC precautions your product may not get sold in the market. In this modern world there are radiators, absorbs everywhere. To get our product withstand such an environment, your product has to comply to standards of EMI/EMC.

Most of us basically, work on Low voltage digital Electronics products. There are several standards for each of these products and one of the primary regulation is the FCC Part 15. In FCC part 15, there are several classifications of the products like A,B,C, D,E,F among which Category B corresponds to the unintended radiation. FCC Part 15 basically mentions the allowable limits of Conducted Emission and Radiated emission.

Conducted Emission -> 150 KHz to 30 MHz
Radiated emission -> 30 MHz to 40 GHz

There are test procedures defined for each and every certification and product has to undergo these certifications before being said as compliant.

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