Retina display

Retina display

Retina display patented by Apple is a LCD display used in its products. The products include iphone, ipad versions. The main difference from other displays is the pixel density and resolution. Pixel density represented as Pixels per inch (PPI) differs from other displays available in the market. The pixel density has been adjusted for various display sizes so that user will have a smooth viewing experience. Retina displays are tented to be the best in the market and other displays like Super AMO led, IPS display, OLED, LCD lag retina display by some distance.

Retina display debuted with iphone 4s. The pixel count PPI exceeded 300 in this display. With such high PPI and resolution, user will never be able to differentiate individual pixels in a display and image looks reality with such a high resolution. These high resolutions of up to 2560x1600 gives user a printing read experience.

What are the advantages of Retina display?
  • Good color reproduction
  • Wide viewing angles
  • High contrast displays (great color differentiation)
  • Reduced glare
  • High quality displays
  • Ambient light sensor helping in brightness adjustment, improves power saving sometimes
  • Back lit LCD improving brightness
  • IPS technology improving wide angle views

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