Connecting CH32V003 Eval board to WCH-LinkE debugger

Connecting CH32V003 Eval board to WCH-LinkE debugger

The above image shows CH32V003 Eval board on the left and WCH-LinkE debugger on the right. We need to program the CH32V003 through this debugger. CH32V003 supports single wire debug interface.

Following pins from debugger are to be connected to CH32V003 board:

  • SWIO (Serial Wire Input Output)
  • 3.3V
  • GND
PD1 pin on CH32V003 is multiplex with SWIO pin as shown in the below pin out of the MCU.

As per the datasheet of CH32V003 - The core comes with a 1-wire serial debug interface, SWIO pin (Single Wire Input Output). The default debug interface pin function is turned on after system power on or reset.

Below shows the connectivity between the CH32V003 Eval board to WCH-LinkE debugger

3V3 <-> VCC

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