BLE Support - ESP32 vs STM32WB55 vs SiWx917

BLE Support - ESP32 vs STM32WB55 vs SiWx917

ESP32 and SiWx917 are Wi-Fi + BLE combo chips. ESP32 is in the market from a very long time and the commonly used NodeMCU hosts ESP32 module. STM32WB55 is a BLE + IEEE802.15.4 Radio based chip which doesn't have the Wi-Fi capability. As SiWx917 is not yet in market and is coming soon as per silicon labs website and STM32WB55 is only a BLE + other low data rate wireless chip, we cannot directly compare them. We are only trying to list the BLE version supported by these chips.

STM32WB55 - BLE v5.4
SiWx917 - BLE v5.4
ESP32 - BLE v5.3

ESP32-C6 chip and the WROOM modules  based on ESP32-C6 chip supports BLE v5.3.

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