What is C-rate and E-rate in batteries?

What is C-rate and E-rate in batteries?


Batteries are used in many applications in Embedded systems. Some of the important specifications include Battery Chemistry, Battery Size, Battery Voltage, mAH rating. While these specifications help us to select a battery, there are two other ratings C-rate and E-rate which indicate the charging and discharge specification of the battery.

C-rate: C-rate is derived from coulomb's law. C-rate is a measure of the rate at which battery discharges relative to the capacity of the battery. For example, if a battery has capacity of 100mAH and if the C-rate is mentioned as 1C, then the battery shall be discharged in an hour. Using C-rate we can determine the discharge capacity and safe discharge time of the battery. 

The continuous discharge rate can be calculated using the below formula:
Ah*C-rate = continuous discharge Amperes of Battery

E-rate: E-rate talks about the discharge rate of battery power. 1E rate of a battery means it takes 1 hour for the battery to get discharged

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