Opening a free lab for engineers

Opening a free lab for engineers

Dear readers,

We are planning to start something called "Engineers Lab" in Hyderabad, India. The main intention of this is to bring the professionals and budding embedded engineers together. As a part of this, we will be opening a small lab which is free to access. Any student, engineer and hobbyist can come and access the electronics lab and everything will be free. As we are planning to open this July 2nd, 2017, we are inviting you all. We are planning to have a small embedded engineers meet on this day and this is an open invitation for all the embedded engineers out there. If you are planning to come to the event, please, send a mail to, I will provide all the details. Any interested guys out there can give a seminar on the topics they have mastered. Let us all embedded engineers out there meet once!!

Engineers Lab team

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